An assortment of the little things we like that we've seen, made or worn...

Sunday, 28 February 2010

'What Hannah wore when Aston Villa were playing in league final'

Jon stayed with me at uni this weekend and i got him to come to the vintage fair! He bought 2 watches!! Spent more than me!! In return, i wore Aston Villa colours as they're playing today. I'm also wearing the belt i bought at the fair!

So jealous that you managed to get such a bargain Laura Ashley dress! I fell in love with one today but it was £35 :( I'm guna hit the charity shops this week, determined to find a bargain!

'What Katie Wore' have a 'What You Wore' blog going, when i see you at Easter i think we should do one together and send a 'What the Hannahs wore'!

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Floral themed outfit posts...

Three outfits: one I put together ages ago (my floral corset dress over blue poloneck), an oufit I wore last week (the one with my purple floral skirt that I wear as a dress worn as a skirt!) and one photo taken this evening but that I actually have worn fairly recently (black floral dress under purple top)...unintentionally there is definitely a floral theme going on! I think I am wearing florals at least every other day at the moment...probably to brighten my days up because the weather is so miserable!

Photo boards

I recently made some photo boards to put up in my room, and I thought you might like to see them...I also have a very pretty notice board surrounded by fairy lights inspired by yours at uni, but that can be saved for when you visit...which I really hope will be soon!

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

My bunting!!

This is my bunting that i have up in my uni room!
The second photo i tried to be artistic in!

My new wellies!

I've also made another naughty purchase of some pretty wellies! But who could have resisted them?!!

my first outfit blog!!

It has taken a while but i have finally posted my first outfit!! It's not that exciting! (I love yours and freya's outfits! Clever idea about the top as a skirt!!)
I tried to do slightly 50s style, i've got my playsuit on and although you can't see them, i have lots of pearls on!!
Also,I have NEW BOOOTS!!! A very naughty purchase from topshop!!
BUT i have given up buying clothes for lent!!!

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Fairy cakes!!

Pink and sparkly...certainly brightened up a Thursday evening!

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Our Day in London...

Freya and I decided to go to London for the day last weekend and I thought you would appreciate the brightly coloured houses on Portobello Road, including the postbox red one called 'Alice's', the big Teapot and sunny Trafalar Square...I will try and do an outfit post tomorrow!