An assortment of the little things we like that we've seen, made or worn...

Sunday, 28 February 2010

'What Hannah wore when Aston Villa were playing in league final'

Jon stayed with me at uni this weekend and i got him to come to the vintage fair! He bought 2 watches!! Spent more than me!! In return, i wore Aston Villa colours as they're playing today. I'm also wearing the belt i bought at the fair!

So jealous that you managed to get such a bargain Laura Ashley dress! I fell in love with one today but it was £35 :( I'm guna hit the charity shops this week, determined to find a bargain!

'What Katie Wore' have a 'What You Wore' blog going, when i see you at Easter i think we should do one together and send a 'What the Hannahs wore'!


  1. Loving the colour combination here - especially the tights!
    I will put a post up of my new vintage laura ashley dress when I have taken it in - its a bit big at the moment!!
    I have seen the What You Wore thing - that's such a good idea doing a what the hannah's wore! Definitely a plan!!
    Miss you and I really hope we can meet up soon!

  2. Yes - I think you should too.

    We'd love to have you up on the WYW blog!

    Joe x
