An assortment of the little things we like that we've seen, made or worn...

Sunday, 31 October 2010

My 'Back to Uni' post (sorry it's late!)


So I completely failed to stick to the 'at least one post a week'
promise, which means three posts for my Week 3. First, the outfit
I wore today for lunch with a certain someone ;) It includes the
 skirt you helped pick out two/three years ago (which I still love),
the carousel necklace and red beret, both from accesorize, plus
my brogues.The second photo is one of many amazing sunsets
I've seen from my room - it's in the perfect direction for the sun to
disappear between the houses and trees. Finally, the skirt that
Anna made me for my Birthday - I can't remember if I showed
you or not, but I know you will appreciate the florals!! 
Will try very hard to post once a week from now on
...can't wait to see you in a few weeks! 
Lots of love!

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Back to uni!

I've included pics of my lovely new room! My new green skirt (which i'm not sure about anymore!) and my new maxi dress, boots and jacket!! I know it's not the season for a maxi dress but i love loved it! My boots are military style and were an absolute bargain! They are going to be very practical in winter aswell!
Very much looking forward to my trip to Oxford!! Been thinking about going out outfits already!